Visit the Colosseum

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The Flavian Amphitheatre, known as the Colosseum, is one of the symbols of Rome and Italy in the world and is visited every year by millions of people who want to learn more about its history.

Still in excellent condition, it is the largest amphitheater in the world which, in addition to providing a wide view of the interior spaces, offers a splendid view of Rome when you look out.

Imagine stepping into a millennia-old arena, where time seems to stand still and the remains of a glorious past tell stories of epic battles and grand spectacles. Imagine walking on the same ground where gladiators fought for glory and emperors celebrated victories. This is the Colosseum, a majestic structure of stone that dominates the heart of Rome, an immortal symbol of an era that shaped the Western world.

It was built in the 1st century AD in the archaeological heart of Rome at the behest of the emperors of the Flavian dynasty. Inside, there were highly popular shows such as hunts and gladiator games.

After the abolition of these games, the amphitheater underwent a slow decline, leading it to become a quarry for materials used in the construction of St. Peter's Basilica or a shelter for animals before attracting scholars and artists who engaged in systematic excavations and restorations.

Today, the Amphitheatre periodically hosts temporary exhibitions on ancient history and modern performances.

The Colosseum is not just a monument, but a symbol of Rome and Italy, a precious heritage to be preserved and passed on to future generations. Its immortal charm and millennia-old history continue to thrill and inspire visitors from around the world, making it one of the most sought-after tourist destinations on the planet.

Hours of the Colosseum
All days: 8:30-19:15

Where is it
It is located in the Piazza del Colosseo, in the center of Rome.

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